Dua Tahajjud: Tahajjud prayer is one of the most important prayers in Islam. It is also known as Qiyaam al-Layl. This prayer has great importance.
This prayer is prayed at night. This prayer is a very important prayer. There are many reasons for its popularity and blessings.
One important thing is that it is mentioned in the Holy Quran as a prayer. Tahajjud prayer is a very important prayer.
The Prophet (peace be upon him) prayed Tahajjud prayer regularly. In a hadith, it is said that he (peace be upon him) said: Tahajjud is the most important prayer after the five prayers.
We will tell you about the Tahajjud prayer today. The Tahajjud prayer is also very important. We will give you a complete description of the Tahajjud prayer below.
What is dua Tahajjud?
Many of you must have heard about Tahajjud, the night prayer. You may not have heard that there is a dua for Tahajjud prayer as well. If you don’t know the dua, then there is no need to worry. Today we will tell you about Tahajjud prayer.
Dua Tahajjud in Hindi
हे परमेश्वर, तेरी स्तुति हो। तू आकाशों और पृय्वी का और जो कुछ उनमें है उसका भी प्रभु है।
तुम प्रकाश हो. आकाश और धरती आपकी प्रशंसा करते हैं, आप सच्चे हैं, आपका वादा सच्चा है, आपसे मिलना सच्चा है, आपका वचन सच्चा है, स्वर्ग सच्चा है, नरक की आग सच्ची है, और नबी सच्चे हैं, और मुहम्मद (PBUH) सच्चे हैं। .
उस पर दया करो और उसे शांति दो। सत्य सत्य है और समय सत्य है, हे प्रभु, मैंने तेरी बात मानी है और तुझ पर विश्वास किया है और तुझ पर विश्वास किया है।
और मैं ने तुझ से झगड़ा किया और निर्णय कर लिया, तो जो कुछ मैं ने पहिले किया और जो देर की, और जो कुछ मैं ने छिपाया, और जो कुछ मैं ने तेरे सिवाय प्रगट किया, उसे क्षमा कर।
Dua Tahajjud in urdu
اے معبود تیری حمد ہے، تو ہی آسمانوں اور زمین کا پالنے والا ہے اور تیری ہی تعریف ہے آسمانوں اور زمین کی اور جو ان میں ہیں تیرے لیے ہیں اور تیری ہی تعریف ہے۔
آپ کے لئے، آپ روشنی ہیں. آسمان و زمین تیری حمد ہے، تو سچا ہے، تیرا وعدہ سچا، تجھ سے ملنا سچا، تیری بات سچی، جنت سچی، جہنم سچی، اور انبیاء علیہم السلام۔ سچ ہے اور محمد صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم برحق ہیں، اور قیامت برحق ہے، اے اللہ، میں نے تیرے ہی حضور میں سر تسلیم خم کیا اور تجھ پر ایمان لایا، اور تجھ پر بھروسہ کیا۔
میں تجھ سے رجوع کرتا ہوں اور تجھ سے جھگڑا کرتا ہوں اور تیری طرف مجھ پر فیصلہ کیا گیا ہے، تو مجھے معاف کر دے جو میں نے پہلے کیا اور جو کچھ میں نے چھپایا اور جو میں نے اعلان کیا اس کو تو ہی مقدم رکھتا ہے اور تو ہی تاخیر کرنے والا ہے۔
Dua Tahajjud in English
O Allah, to You is all praise. You are the Sustainer of the heavens and the earth and of all that is in them. To You is all praise. To You is the dominion of the heavens and the earth and of all that is in them.
To You is all praise. You are the Light of the heavens and the earth. To You is all praise. You are the Truth, Your promise is the Truth, meeting You is the Truth, Your word is the Truth, Paradise is the Truth, Hell is the Truth, the Prophets are the Truth, Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, is the Truth, and the Hour is the Truth.
O Allah, to You is all praise. I have submitted, I have believed in You, I have relied on You, I have turned to You, I have disputed with You, and I have taken my case to You.
So forgive me for what I have done in the past and what I will do in the future, what I have kept secret and what I have made public. You are the First and the Last. There is no god but you.
The Tahajjud prayer is a means of seeking Allah’s mercy and guidance. Friends, I hope you have read and watched the Tahajjud prayer.
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Tahajjud dua for success?
If you get up at night and pray Tahajjud, you are close to success. Start Tahajjud with Bismillah.
Is there any Tahajjud prayer for marriage?
You can ask Allah Almighty for your marriage after praying Tahajjud. Pray for the best marriage for you.
When to recite the Tahajjud prayer?
The Tahajjud prayer should be recited before performing the Tahajjud prayer.