Bathroom Jane Ki Dua in Hindi, Arabic, Urdu and English

Bathroom Jane Ki Dua: Islam is a complete and comprehensive religion. All the etiquettes for living life are explained in Islam.

One of these etiquettes is the etiquette of going to the bathroom. You should recite a prayer before going to the bathroom, but many people do not recite the prayer. Reciting the prayer is a Sunnah act.

If you do not have the prayer for going to the bathroom or find it difficult to recite it, then we will solve this problem for you. We will tell you the prayer in full detail.

Bathroom Jane Ki Dua

So friends, we will tell you the prayer for going to the bathroom in full detail. You should see this post in full and save it for yourself. You will definitely remember that prayer.

               اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنَ الْخُبُثِ وَالْخَبَائِثِ                   

Bathroom Jane Ki Dua In Hindi

(अल्लाहुम्मा इन्नी अउज़ु बिका मिनल ख़ुबुसी वल ख़बाइस)

Translation. तर्जुमा- ऐ अल्लाह! मै आपकी पनाह मांगता हूँ तमाम शयातीन ( मर्दो और औरतो ) के शर से

Bathroom Jane Ki Dua
Bathroom Jane Ki Dua

Bathroom jane ki dua in urdu

             اے اللہ میں برے اور برے کاموں سے تیری پناہ مانگتا ہوں۔

ترجمہ: اے اللہ! میں تمام شیطانوں (مردوں اور عورتوں) کے شر سے تیری پناہ مانگتا ہوں

Bathroom Jane Ki Dua in English

(Allahumma Inni Aauzubika Minal khubusi  Wal khawais)

Translation: “O Allah! I seek refuge in You from the male and female devils,

Bathroom Jane Sa Pahal Dua Parna Ka Fawaid

1. Protecting oneself from dirty thoughts and evil things

2. Protection from fear of something and Satan

3. Maintaining cleanliness

Bathroom Jane Ki Dua
Bathroom Jane Ki Dua


The prayer for going to the bathroom is very short and it is very easy to remember. We should teach this prayer to our children and our sisters and brothers so that they remember the prayer.

Reciting the prayer is a Sunnah and a reward. Friends, I hope that you have remembered the prayer for going to the bathroom and you have recited it. Share it with your friends and save it with you.


How to teach children to pray before going to the bathroom?

Children can be taught to pray by teaching them daily and paying close attention to them and reminding them of the prayer.

Is it okay to talk in the bathroom?

No, it is not okay to talk in the bathroom. We should never talk in the bathroom.

Which foot should be put first when going to the bathroom?

Should the left foot be put first when going to the bathroom

Which foot should be put first when leaving the bathroom?

Should the right foot be put first when leaving the bathroom

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