Subha Bakhair Dua: Morning time is blessed. We should start the morning with prayers, recitation of the Holy Quran and prayers. Morning time is also a time for the whole day.
If we are lazy in the morning, then your whole day will be ruined. In Islam, morning time is said to be the best time.
At this time, not only humans worship Allah, but also animals, birds, insects worship Allah. Morning prayers should be recited in the morning so that our whole day passes with peace and mercy.

The Importance of Starting Your Day with a Dua
Morning is a special time in Islam because it sets the tone for the entire day. It is a moment to connect with Allah and give thanks for the blessings of life.
Morning prayers protect us from bad thoughts and give us inner peace. If we wake up in the morning and recite prayers, our whole day will be better.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) enjoined the worship of Allah in the morning and the early rising. In a hadith, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
(اللّهُم أَجِرْنِي مِنْ النَّارِ)
“O Allah, save me from the fire,,
(اے اللہ مجھے جہنم سے بچا)
Repeat these prayers so that you may find success in both this world and the hereafter.
In slam, it is a good deed to wake up early in the morning to worship Allah and remember Him. Along with the morning prayers, a Muslim should make sure that he takes His name on his lips early in the morning to be humble and please Allah.
Many famous personalities also say that one should wake up early in the morning, which makes it clear that waking up early in the morning is very beneficial. Waking up early in the morning is a very good deed and by doing so, a person’s whole day passes in a good and better way.
The blessings and mercy of Allah descends early in the morning. We should wake up early in the morning and determine the worship and prayers of Allah so that we can find peace in this world and in the hereafter. I pray to Allah Almighty that Allah Almighty grants you the ability to wake up early in the morning and worship Him. (Amen).