Chaand Raat Ki Dua 2025 in Arabic, Hindi, Urdu and English

Chaand Raat Ki Dua: Seeing the moon is a very beautiful and charming sight. We do not see the moon very often and we see the sight of the moon after many days. In Islam, the dua for seeing the moon is mentioned.

This dua is very simple and you can easily remember it.The night of the moon is called the night of Eid. On this day, the moon is very bright and its light is shining everywhere.

Chaand Raat Ki Dua 2025
Chaand Raat Ki Dua 2025

Chand Raat Ki Dua

There is also a prayer for the moon night, which many of us do not recite. Seeing the moon is a very beautiful act and many people are very fond of seeing the moon.

You can recite this prayer on the night of the moon night.

Chand Raat Ki Dua in Arabic

اَللّٰہُ اَکْبَرُ، اَللّٰہُمَّ اَھِلَّہ عَلَیْنَابِالْیُمْنِ وَالْاِیْمَانِ وَالسَّلَامَةِ وَالْاِسْلَامِ ،رَبِّیْ وَرَبُّکَ اللّٰہُ ۔

Chand Raat Ki Dua in Hindi

अल्लाह महान है, या अल्लाह! इस चाँद को हम पर आशीर्वाद, विश्वास, सुरक्षा और इस्लाम के साथ ला रहा है, (हे चाँद) मेरा और तुम्हारा भगवान अल्लाह है।

Chand Raat Ki Dua in Urdu 

اللہ بہت بڑا ہے ،یااللہ! اس چاند کو ہم پر برکت ، ایمان ، سلامتی اور اسلام کے ساتھ نکالنا ،(اے چاند) میرااور تیرا رب اللہ ہے ۔

Chand Raat Ki Dua in English

Allah is great, O Allah! Bring forth this moon upon us with blessings, faith, peace and Islam, (O moon) my Lord and your Lord is Allah.

Chaand Raat Ki Dua 2025
Chaand Raat Ki Dua 2025

Chand Raat Ki Dua Translation

O Allah Azzawajal make this moon come out on us with blessings and with Iman and peace and Islam and make it come out with the ability of that thing which pleases you and that you like, (O moon of the first night my and your Lord is Allah Azzawajal).


So friends, you must have seen and memorized the dua for the moon night. This dua is very simple and you can easily memorize it. When you see the moon, recite this dua and recite the same dua on the moon night as well. Friends, if you liked this post, then are sure to share it.