Washroom Jane Ki Dua: Assalamu Alaikum, friends, how are you all? I hope you are all well. Supplications in Islam help a lot in living a fast-paced life.
Supplication is a means of seeking help from Allah Almighty and telling Him about your situation. The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) recited supplications at every turn of his life and urged us to recite supplications as well.
One of these supplications is the supplication for going to the washroom. Many people go to the washroom but do not recite the supplication or do not know how to recite it.
Friends, in this article, we will tell you about going to the washroom in complete detail and will also provide its translation.
Washroom Jane Ki Dua
Reciting the Dua before going to the washroom protects a person from dirt and impurities.
We are going to tell you the Dua for the Washroom in full detail in this article. Recite this Dua when you start going to the washroom.
Washroom ki dua in Arabic
اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنَ الْخُبُثِ وَالْخَبَائِثِ
Washroom ki dua in Urdu
اے اللہ! میں تیری پناہ مانگتا ہوں ناپاک مردوں اور عورتوں سے
Translation in English
O Allah, I seek refuge in You from impure men and women
Importance of the washroom Ki Dua
Many people do not know the washroom prayer and some people do not know it. A prayer is recited before entering the washroom.
By reciting the prayer, you are protected from dirt and filth. The washroom is a dirty place and many jinn and other creatures live there and it is important to recite the prayer before entering there.
By reciting the prayer, you are protected. In Islam, prayers have been told before doing every work of life. Friends, you have been given a prayer to go to the washroom, remember it and preserve it.
Benefits of reciting the Dua for the Washroom
By reciting the Dua for the Washroom, we are protected from bad influences and jinn etc.
By reciting the Dua for the Washroom, we are protected from dirty thoughts and impurities.
By reciting the Dua, we can also remember other supplications and thus we can make our lives successful.
Friends, I hope you have seen and read the washroom prayer, this prayer can be remembered very simply and easily. We should include the washroom prayer in our daily life. With this, we can stay safe and free from dirt and impurity. Friends, if you liked this prayer, share it with your friends and save it.