Assalamualaikum Images With Dua: AssalamuAlaikum friends, how are you all? I hope you are all well. Friends, today we will explain to you the explanation of Islam Alaikum in this post.
In this post, we will explain to you the meaning of Islam Alaikum, its pictures and importance. Friends, every Muslim says Islam Alaikum to everyone, but have you ever tried to know its meaning?
Have you ever read about its importance? If you have not read it, today we will tell you the complete description of Islam Alaikum in this post.
Assalamualaikum images with dua
So friends, let’s tell you about the importance of Islamo Alaikum. Saying Islamo Alaikum is a Sunnah and a rewarding act. Saying Islamo Alaikum has been emphasized in many places in Islam.
Islamo Alaikum means that peace be upon you, and in return, the person who says Wa Alaikum means that peace be upon you too. The purpose of saying Islamo Alaikum is that a Muslim brother wants the well-being of another Muslim brother.
Saying Islamo Alaikum is worth 20 good deeds, and the person who says Wa Alaikum in response gets 10 good deeds. Saying Salam is also a Sunnah act.
Assalamualaikum in Arabic
Assalamualaikum in Hindi
असलम अलैकुम
Assalamualaikum in urdu
السلام علیکم
Assalamualaikum in Englsih
Peace be upon you
The importance of
Assalamualaikum in Islam
Salam is a Sunnah. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has mentioned the virtues of Salam in many places. He (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “O people, spread greetings.”
This means that Salam is a good and excellent deed. A Muslim brother learns about the health and well-being of another Muslim brother through greetings.
In another place, it is narrated from Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) that a man came to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and asked him what is the best thing in Islam.
He (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “Feeding others and greeting those you know and those you do not know.” This shows that the importance of Salam is very high in Islam. Salam create love in the hearts of each other.
salam are a virtuous act. Salam make a person happy and pleasant. We should spread greetings as much as possible and make them public.
Benefits of Assalamualakum
1. Salam creates love in the heart of another person.
2. By Salam, a person can know about the nature and health of another person.
3. Salam is a Sunnah action and it brings reward.
4. By Salam, brotherhood and recognition increase.
5. By Salam a person seems to have a good and cheerful character.
Friends, I hope you have understood the importance of Aaslamo Alaikum and its meaning. In this post, I have explained the importance of greetings in English, Urdu, Hindi and Arabic. Friends, we should spread greetings and it creates love.
There is a lot of virtue in greetings, so we should spread greetings. Friends, if you liked this post, then save it and share it with your friends too.