Dua For Exam ( Successful, Studying)

Dua For Exam: Success in exams is also a gift from Allah Almighty. Many students get scared by the name of exams. They fear that we will fail in the exam. There are also prayers given for exam success.

If you are a student and preparing for an exam or seeking to increase your knowledge, then read and memorize these prayers. It will prove to be very beneficial for you.

Dua For Exam
Dua For Exam

Dua for Successful in exams

Dua for Exams A supplication that we recite for success and help in exams. A common supplication for success in exams is also:

رَبِّ اشْرَحْ لِي صَدْرِي وَيَسِّرْ لِي أَمْرِي وَاحْلُلْ عُقْدَةً مِّن لِّسَانِي يَفْقَهُوا قَوْلِي “رَبِّ عَشْرَهُ لِصَدْرِي لِيَ الْاَمْرِيْ وَالْاَمْرِيْنِ یافقاہو قوالی۔

This supplication is often recited by students for success in exams. Praying is an expression of humility. This act is very pleasing to Allah Almighty. Praying helps us overcome even the most difficult problems. Praying for success in exams will be very helpful for us.

Dua for successful exams in English

                 (Lord, increase my knowledge)

Dua For Exam ( Successful, Studying)
Dua For Exam ( Successful, Studying)

Conditions for success in exams

This post is very useful for all exams in life

Success in exams

Success in education is also a great gift. Successful exams show that you have worked hard and achieved proficiency. A prayer has also been given for school exams. This is given in this post.


Success in exams is also a necessary condition and for this, you do not have to perform well. One of the conditions for success in exams is that you must have confidence in yourself. If you do not have confidence in yourself, you cannot succeed in exams.

Respect for teachers

It is also important to have the prayers of teachers for success in exams. It is also important to pray for the teachers who taught you. The prayers of teachers increase your respect and recognition.

Knowledge retention

Knowledge makes a student very capable and if you have not studied anything for a whole year, you cannot be successful. Therefore, acquiring knowledge is important and you have to work hard throughout and remember the necessary things.

Parents’ prayer

No exam can be passed without the prayers of parents. The prayers of parents are the key to success and the lock never opens without a key. Be it exams or any test of life, the prayers of parents are very important.

Dua for successful in exams

This is another dua for successful in exams

                  (ربِّ زِدْنِي عِلْماً)


Exams are a challenge for every student and it is important to succeed in them. Exam success is a sign of progress. Self-confidence, skill are essential for exam success. This post discusses the success of complete exams. You can definitely improve in exams by reading this post.

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