Neend aane Ki Dua in Urdu, English, Arabic, Hindi

Neend aane Ki Dua: Sleep is one of the great blessings of Allah Almighty. Sometimes our sleep deteriorates or we do not get sleep and we get strange dreams. There can be many reasons for not being able to sleep.

Some people do not get sleep and take sleeping pills. Your sleep will now come to you with peace and tranquillity.

In Islam, a sleep prayer has been prescribed before going to bed, which must be recited so that we can sleep peacefully and peacefully. Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to recite these supplications before going to bed.

Neend aane Ki Dua in Urdu, English, Arabic, Hindi
Neend aane Ki Dua in Urdu, English, Arabic, Hindi

Neend aane ki dua

Sleep is a great blessing and we should take care of it. The importance of sleep is very important in our lives because if we do not sleep, we cannot do any work and if a person does not sleep for 10 days, he may even die.

Therefore, sleep plays an important role in our lives. We should recite a prayer for sleep before sleeping so that we can sleep peacefully.

In Islam, prayers have been mentioned before sleeping. Therefore, we should recite a prayer for sleep before sleeping.

Neend ki dua in Arabic

Every Muslim should recite these supplications before going to sleep so that they can sleep peacefully by the grace and mercy of Allah.

اللَّهُمَّ بِاسْـمِكَ أَمُوتُ وَأَحْيَا))

We should recite this supplication before going to sleep and this supplication is given in Arabic. It is important to recite this supplication before sleeping so that you can get a peaceful and restful sleep

Neend ki Dua in English

If you want to sleep peacefully and you know English, recite this prayer.

     (In your name O ALLAH, I live and die)

Neend Ki Dua in Urdu

If someone knows Urdu, he can also recite the prayer for sleep in Urdu. The prayer is given below.

     (تیرے نام پر اے اللہ میں جیتا اور مرتا ہوں)

Neend Ki Dua in Hindi

   sleeping dua in hindi is given below read this dua.

   हे भगवान, तेरे नाम पर मैं मरता हूं और जीता हूं     

Read this dua in hindi and read the dua in all translation.


Islam considers sleep a great blessing and science also recognizes that sleep is essential for humans. Sleep keeps our bodies healthy and happy and makes us feel good.

Reciting prayers and seeking forgiveness from Allah before sleep brings a Muslim closer to Allah.

A Muslim fears Allah and does everything according to the way prescribed by Islam in order to gain Allah’s pleasure. We should recite the dua for sleep before going to sleep and sleep peacefully.





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