Dua for parents: No one in this world can love like a parent. Parental love is the only form that is only for their children.
From the day a child is born, parents start loving him and spend their entire life in his love.
This proves that there is no one in this world who loves like a parent. We can never think that we can return the gift of parental love to them.
We can only pray and love them. The best we can do is to honour them by including them in our prayers every day.
Importance of Praying for Parents
The relationship between parents and children in Islam is a very great one. Allah Almighty has also mentioned treating parents well in the Quran.
‘’And your Lord has commanded that you worship none but Him, and be good to your parents,,
And do not insult them, nor rebuke them, but speak to them kindly, whether one or both of them reach old age,,
The command to treat parents well is given in the Quran. With these supplications, we should remember our parents.
Dua for parents
Parents are the greatest blessing in this world, and praying for parents is also emphasized in Islam.
This post contains some prayers that you can say for your parents, whether they are alive or deceased.
These prayers cover various aspects, such as asking for their forgiveness, about their health, and about their well-being.
( رَّبِّ ارْحَمْهُمَا كَمَا رَبَّيَانِي صَغِيرًا)
میرے رب ان پر رحم فرما جس طرح انہوں نے مجھے بچپن میں پالا تھا
‘’Lord, have mercy on them as they brought me up when I was young,,
You can memorize these prayers and recite them for your parents.
These prayers are given in Urdu, English, and Arabic. Remember these prayers and remember your parents with these prayers.
Praying for parents in Islam is a very good deed and is also rewarding. It reflects gratitude and love for parents for the way they raised us in childhood.
Praying for their well-being and forgiveness is not only for the sake of the parents, but it also connects us with Allah Almighty. May Allah Almighty keep the parents of all Muslims healthy and happy and forgive those whose parents have passed away from this world.